Anti-Aging,  Beauty,  Skincare

Celeteque Anti-Aging Kit and my Grandpa


I’ll be straight, and forward. Again, no “palabok” or hullabaloos. 🙂 I had the opportunity to attend the event of celeteque’s anti-aging line. Unfortunately, I am unable to leave office. To my dearest readers, I want you to know that I am a nerdy-techy-systems-specialist (computer geeky stuff)
by day, and a beauty afficionado by night, and lastly, a 24/7 mom. Whew! So yup, I wasnt able to go and let my proxy, ate mimi to come on my behalf.
Long story short. I only got the box of goodies when she returned. Hehehe..

I’ll be honest to Celeteque, and my readers. I won’t be using this line. I have another line that I’m so excited to use and show to you..

BUT! a big BUT! There’s another one who’s willing to be my spokesperson and tester for Celeteque’s anti-aging line.
None other than my… beloved lolo!

Age: 79
Career: Super-lolo

He’s the one who took care of all us his apos and he’s the one taking care of my baby boy, with the help of my grandma) He and my grandma loves to take care of their skin and they’re very conscious about their appearance. When I told him about the kit I received, he was so estatic and willing to be my model. We’re going to have a weekly photoshoot to show the progress and starting this week, he consistently uses the cleansing oil, moisturizer, and serum twice a day.Well, there’s a celeteque promise of looking years younger in 6 weeks, so we’ll see.

Both of us can’t wait for his results!!


TO my lolo: I know you can’t read this, but I want to tell everyone in the world that you’re the BEST BEST BEST BEST


PS to Celeteque: I think it would be better if the ingredients are listed on the product labels, I was planning to read the ingredients and interpret it to my readers but alas, there was none 🙁


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