How To Start Making Money From Your Fitness Instagram Account
The number of fitness influencers that earn a living off their Instagram accounts has never been higher. After all, this social media platform is one of the fastest ways to gain exposure and following today. The good news is, if you are passionate about fitness and are willing to dedicate your time to growing a captivating presence, you can easily become one of them. Here is how to successfully start making money from your fitness Instagram account.
Create Unique Content
As a social media influencer, your content should be captivating and inspiring. Make sure to start your posts with a compelling sentence – as this is what grabs the attention of most Instagram users. Wondering when is the best time to post on Instagram? It’s a common question, and I’ve got the answers. Post regular photos and videos with informative content related to fitness. Include unique exercises, tutorials, and healthy meal recipes. New fitness enthusiast followers will also welcome some helpful advice on what to avoid in their exercise regimes, especially at those times when they are more likely to make mistakes. You can also motivate your followers by coming up with catchy inspirational quotes and design using an Instagram story maker.
Use Hashtags
Another way of creating the perfect fitness-related content on Instagram is by making use of relevant hashtags. Hashtags are your best tool for making your brand accessible for everyone who may be interested in it. Try using both high-volume and low-volume hashtags. The first ones will help you grab the attention of the masses, but you will need the second ones to keep compelling that specific group you are trying to reach – the one interested in fitness.
Employ Proper Marketing Strategies
First and foremost, it’s not a good idea to start marketing on your Instagram account before you reach a certain number of followers. Profiles with less than 10k followers have very limited options for posting, so it doesn’t make sense to invest in advertising either. Once your account reaches that number, you can start working on expanding it more with promotional content. When doing so, you must make sure to employ the appropriate influencer marketing strategy that will launch your fitness Instagram account into a whole new level. Whether you will advertise your own products or that of another brand, the right plan will determine the success of your campaign.
Engage With Your Audience
While regular posts are necessary for reaching your target audiences, your Instagram activities shouldn’t all be focused on this endeavor either. To keep your followers, you must actively engage them as well. You don’t have to follow, like, or message random accounts that follow you, but you will definitely have to keep up with their comments about your content. Alongside fitness-related polls, your followers’ reaction to your posts will be your best gauge of whether you’re going in the right direction with your goals to engage them or not.
Reach Out to Sponsors
If your following starts to grow steadily, sponsors will notice this and will probably begin to reach out to you. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get in touch with them. As a new fitness influencer, messaging them directly would most likely get you rebuffed, so you will have to use a more subtle approach to obtain sponsorships. Buy the products of the brands you would like to sponsor and promote them to your audience while tagging the brand in your post. Leave a few positive comments on their posts and wait until they notice you. If they don’t message you even after all these endeavors, you may send them a polite inquiry about possible sponsorship.
Collaborate With Other Influencers
Apart from finding sponsors, feel free to reach out to other Instagram influencers that already have a high number of followers. Ask them to talk about your content, activity, brand, or anything you would like to promote. Each time another influencer tags you in a post, your profile becomes visible to their entire audience, who will happily visit it. You can, in turn, promote their profile as well. Not only does this help find new allies in the world of Instagram influencers, but it can increase the number of users reacting to your posts in no time.
Whether you are starting a new account or converting your old profile into a fitness account, you will need to familiarize yourself with the world of fitness influencers. While knowing how to show off your body and sponsored products is helpful, it takes much more than gaining a following. From choosing the appropriate marketing strategies to effectively interacting with your followers, everything can affect your success. In addition to that, you will have to arm yourself with patience as well. It may take some time until you start earning money – however, when you do, all your efforts will be rewarded.