
The Ins and Outs of Personal Injury Claims

An injury is a difficult thing to deal with, regardless of how it came to be. If the injury was caused by someone else’s actions or negligence, it could be even harder to deal with. The following will explore a few key components of personal injury claims. The goal is to help clarify what steps need to be taken and what your expectations should be moving forward. Of course, every injury is unique, and this means that the below information cannot replace legal advice from an attorney who has been made aware of the specifics of your situation.

Competing Best Interests

Almost always, when an injury occurs, and someone is at fault for the injury, you have a conflict of best interests. What’s in the best interest of the person or company responsible is almost never what’s in the best interests of the injured person. Further, the best interests of the insurance company also likely don’t align with the best interests of the people or companies involved. For this reason, it is incredibly important that you don’t allow someone else to dictate your response to the event. 

Almost certainly, the person or company responsible for your injury wants things resolved quickly and inexpensively in a way that keeps their reputation intact. The insurance company wants to spend as little money as possible while increasing the monthly payment it charges the responsible party. You want to make sure that your health and future aren’t jeopardized by what’s convenient or ideal for everyone else involved.

Learn About All Your Options

As mentioned above, people are likely going to encourage you to respond to the injury in a way that suits them. You might not even be informed of all your options. This is especially problematic because, in almost all cases, once you take one form of action, you cannot legally respond in another way. This means it’s vital that you don’t sign anything until you’ve spoken to a lawyer. You need someone who isn’t involved in the situation, who understands the law, to walk you through all of the options available to you. This is the only way you’re going to be able to make the best choice for you and your needs. 

If you think the insurance company is going to volunteer ways they can pay you more money, you do not understand how the insurance industry works. There might also be non-compensation-related programs and opportunities you don’t know about designed to help people in your position spring back from an injury and get a safer, better job. Before you take any action—before you sign anything at all—you need to learn about your options.

You’re Likely Underestimating The Impact Of Your Injury

While you might have an idea of what a medical appointment costs and what a given prescription costs, injuries can end up being far more expensive than you’d expect. Beyond the cost of medical appointments and medication, you might need to hire help around the house with tasks you can’t do while recovering (or again, depending on how severe your injury is). You might miss out on work, losing possible income. 

You might not be able to work in the same capacity you previously were, again, permanently losing out on possible income. You might even be unable to qualify for future promotions or raises if your injury permanently affects your work performance. There are also mental health considerations that could end up costing you expensive appointments. And then, on top of all of this, there are pain and suffering considerations.

All too often, people underestimate the long-term impacts an injury can have on their lives. They assume they’re going to heal completely within an ideal period of time. This isn’t always the case. Speaking to a professional attorney can not only help you become aware of what costs you’re likely to accrue, but it can also help connect you with the medical help you need. This injury lawyer in NJ, for instance, works with a medical network, helping clients get the care they need and helping ensure that insurance or other compensation covers the cost. 

Recovery And Stress

Recovery from an injury can take time. It can also be slowed by high levels of stress. If you’re laughing as you read that because it’s been a non-stop stress rollercoaster since you’ve been injured, you’re not alone. Working with insurance or the legal system is stressful. Being injured and figuring out how to update your daily life to suit that injury is stressful. You need to be taking steps to protect your mindset during this time. 

Prioritize stress-reduction techniques like breathwork, meditation, yoga (if you’re able to, given your illness), and activities you find soothing, like cloud-watching or reading. If you’re able to go for walks with your injury, take time every day for a stroll. If you can get into nature while you do it, all the better. If you can only manage a short journey up half a block and back, do that. Of course, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations when it comes to movement; you don’t want to slow down the healing process.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

No matter what kind of injury you have, inflammation is going to make it hurt more. Of course, swelling and inflammation are a part of many types of wounds, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care if the rest of your body is inflamed. Learn about anti-inflammatory diets and how food can cause inflammation in the body, causing you more pain. 

Reduce processed foods like fried foods, candies, baked goods, sugary drinks, alcohol, processed meats, processed cheeses, and pre-packaged snack foods (even the ones labeled healthy or keto like granola bars, vegetable chips, or trail mixes.) Look for whole foods, meaning one-ingredient foods that are found in nature. You want lots of healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, tea, spices (especially turmeric), peppers, and eggs. This type of eating can benefit you in a lot of ways beyond reducing pain.

The above information should have helped prepare you for the injury claims process. Again, nothing can replace the legal counsel provided by an attorney who is aware of the details of your injury and the context surrounding the incident. Finding a lawyer should be one of your top priorities.

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