6 Time Management Tips for Freelancing While Employed
The financial pressure that comes with the current state of the economy is forcing many Filipino households to tighten their proverbial belts and reevaluate the way they spend money. In case you’re in the same situation, you may find that there’s a limit to how much you can cut down until you start compromising the essentials. In such a scenario, it would make more sense to look for additional streams of income rather than sacrifice your basic necessities.
If you have time and energy to spare, it might be worth looking into getting a freelance job. However, do note that freelancing while you’re still employed is a tough challenge. This is especially true at the beginning, when you’re still adjusting to the additional demands of your new work. The good news is that there are many ways to balance your main job, your freelance work, and your personal time. Here are just a few:
Have the Right Tools on Hand
Some of the most widely available freelance jobs require the use of digital tools. Should you choose to offer virtual assistance or transcribing services, for example, you need to invest in a computer and accessories like a webcam and headset. These tools will make these types of work easier and faster, allowing you to manage your time better.
If you don’t have equipment capable of handling these activities, taking out online loans will help you get the right gear. This way, it will be much easier for you to meet your freelance deadlines without having to use the devices entrusted to you by your primary employer. More importantly, the sooner you can earn from your side gig, the sooner you can pay your loans.
See How Much Work You Can Do in an Hour
To get a better handle on how you manage your time, you need to have a deep understanding of your strengths and capabilities. Knowing how long it will take you to complete a particular task will enable you to make realistic commitments to your full-time and freelance work.
Let’s say that you finish all your main work responsibilities by 5 PM, after which you can focus on freelance work. How long would it take you to write or edit a 300-word product description, for example? Given your pace, how many can you write in a couple of hours? Knowing such information is a practical consideration when planning how long a particular activity will take you and how much you can be paid with every contract you complete.
Plan and Record Your Activities
Whether you keep a physical planner or a digital calendar, it’s important to write down your daily and weekly schedules. Knowing how much time you have to complete your tasks for both your day job and your freelance work will help you pace your progress and keep track of your deliverables.
In addition to setting deadlines for your tasks, you can also make an effort to write down how long a particular task took you to accomplish and what made the process faster or slower. These details can help you further refine your work process and set more realistic deadlines for your activities.
Schedule Days Off and Rest Days
Taking on freelance work on top of your regular job can be exhausting. Thus, you need to incorporate vacation leaves and rest days in your calendar so you won’t burn out or suffer from health problems because of your busy schedule. If your work leaves you too exhausted at the end of every weekday, maybe you can set your freelance work on the weekends. If you’re keen on squeezing every bit of productive time out of your weekdays, however, make sure that you have time for yourself and your loved ones every weekend. It’s also a good idea to incorporate a few breaks into your daily schedule.
Learn How to Say No
Saying yes to a freelance job means that you’ll need to dedicate a lot of time and effort to complete the tasks given to you. This may not leave you with enough time for leisurely activities, like going out with friends every week or playing video games. Be aware of your priorities and learn to decline certain invitations or some of your freelance workload.
The key is to find a balance. You need to work more so you can earn more, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have fun. It’s still important to connect with friends and relatives and indulge in your hobbies, but these activities need to be planned well so that they can fit into your schedule.
Minimize Possible Distractions
Last but not least, be aware of possible distractions and learn how to steer clear of them. If you’re in the habit of doom scrolling, for example, try to keep this activity in check and learn to acknowledge if it’s taking more time than it should. If you’re working from home, the same can be said for things like household chores or intercepting packages from delivery persons. If you anticipate that these activities and responsibilities will slow down your work progress, talk to the people around you. Together, you can find a workaround so that these distractions won’t take too much of your time and focus.
Taking on freelance work while you’re still employed is a tough balancing act, but you can do it by managing your time and energy well. Follow these tips and soon enough, you’ll find yourself having an easier time juggling your work and personal priorities.