
How to Use G Suite as a CRM

For years numerous organizational aspects of customer relationship management (CRM) were realized manually by company employees with the help of scattered software, usually suitable to solve solely one or just a few business tasks. Such a poor business approach in over 90 percent of cases resulted in the untimely enterprises and young companies & startups bankruptcy.

The CRM systems implementation to organize numerous time-consuming aspects of everyday life within companies resulted in their increased success and the significant decrease in the number of monetary losses due to an inappropriate attitude towards the company target audience, in other words – customers whose needs must be satisfied in order the business, company and its business strategy became lucrative and attractive.

The G Suite CRM app NetHunt makes everything possible to create the warm and convenient atmosphere inside the software provided for companies who would ever use it so that they could elaborate the most suitable business strategy according to their needs, amount of target customers, workloads, technical aspects of the sphere of implementation, and specifications needed. This CRM software integrates within G Suite application family logically uniting all the business processes together presenting the obvious algorithm of actions that are needed to achieve the most timely response to customers and conduct relevant advertising to the target audience. Furthermore, with logically and clearly arranged chains of actions the processes that usually are interconnected between each other can be run almost simultaneously as, for example, the Google Documents allow a few customers to work with the same file at the same time. Such teamwork is capable to help employees better understand their responsibilities in addition to bringing more awareness about the whole picture of the work process in general.

Gmail, Google Calendars, Documents, Google Drive, Hangouts – all these applications represent the G Suite software that simplifies business organization making it a few times easier. Thanks to Gmail, for instance, the company can automate some of the data-processing tasks that usually literally swallow numerous hours of time that could have been spent on something more important – for qualification trainings, etc.

Starting using G Suite for business is simple. All that needs is logging into the administration account. After it was done all the company data including emails, contacts, and calendar notes can be imported to G Suite. The nets step is adding the new customers (personnel) who would use G Suite for company business purposes. The tutorial always available to the administrator right after he/she was logged in as the administrator. Google Drive application will provide convenient access to large files along with massive memory storage space for important corporate data to saved and secured. The administrator will always be aware of who actually has access to each file inside the company’s data cloud storage. In addition, the administrator is the one who is responsible for setting up permission for employees to have access to the corporate document right from mobile devices like smartphone and tablet. This little bonus allows people to work from literally everywhere.

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