
Knowing The Best Rehab Program For Your Friend Suffering From Addiction

Knowing rehabilitation treatment programs is important for you to be able to understand how to help a friend that is currently struggling with addiction. These programs are the most helpful and effective way to put an end on any kind of addiction. If you are in the process of trying to help a friend with his or her condition, then this article will be able to assist you on which rehab programs would suit him or her. We have also added some tips on how you’ll be able to choose which treatments and rehab centres work best for your friend.


Find the best rehab for your friend’s needs.

The key to figuring out which program works best for your friend is finding the best rehab centre that could initiate it successfully. Remember that what we want to achieve her is long-term and lifetime recovery. Find a rehab that is accredited and are known to have successfully initiated recoveries. You can start by doing a search for drug rehabs by state.


Types of Rehab Programs

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are different types of recovery treatment programs that your loved one could get into.

In-patient program

In-patient programs, also known as residential programs, are recommended to most cases of addiction rehabilitation, especially to severe ones. It is a type of program where the patient has to be housed in the facility for a certain period and he or she has to be monitored 24/7. The environment inside an in-patient rehab centre is controlled and modified depending on the case of the patient.

There are two types of in-patient program, long-term and short-term. Long-term programs often last between 6 to 12 months and are conducted in therapeutic communities or TCs. TCs have far different setting from hospitals. Short-term programs, on the other hand, only last for about 3 to 6 weeks. These are often followed with an outpatient program or aftercare program to ensure that the patient won’t relapse.

Outpatient program

Patients in outpatient programs are able to stay in their homes or their normal environment. Their normal life will still continue as they receive addiction treatments. Although treatments and therapies are still the same with the in-patient program, outpatient programs are for slightly less severe cases. The family has to ensure that the patient won’t get tempted to use any substance by taking him or her away from the people that have influenced him or her and the places that they usually hang out in.



Counselling is recommended to go with the two major programs mentioned above. It further tackles the social aspects of the patient’s life after recovery and how he or she will be able to cope and maintain abstinence. Counselling can be done either individualized or by peer groups.


How to know which one suits your loved one?

Follow the doctor’s recommendation.

Always keep in mind what your medical provider has recommended for your friend’s case. They’ll be able to tell which type of program will easily help them to recover. Some will even suggest rehab centres that they know are credible and effective in treating addiction.

Do your research

Extra knowledge always helps. You can conduct your research since several references are now available online. You can always ask a specialist for confirmation on what you have found out. This way, you’ll be able to expand options and possibilities that might help your friend recover faster.


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