Beauty,  Eye - Brows Shadows Liners Lashes

Roadtest: 5 Intensely Black Smudge Proof Liquid Eyeliners

This post is long overdue. I’m an eyeliner addict  Especially the black liquid ones that I use to tightline or wingline and make my eyes look bigger. I tried using gel liners before but it took too much time and effort; penning the jar, makeing sure the pot doesn’t dry, bringing a separate brush. A liquid pen eyeliner is pretty much convenient for a busy working mom like me. I’ve collected, repurchased, and road tested a few of my favorites and used 4 simple steps to see how
each eyeliner performs as well as a quick review of each.

4-Step Eyeliner Roadtest

1. Darkness Density
2. Brush Efficiency
3. Hand rub
4.  Makeup Remover Rub

Liquid Eyeliners Used (R-L)

1. K-Palette Real Lasting Eyeliner 24H micro
2. L’Oreal Super Liner Ultra Sharp Liquid Eyeliner
3. Maybelline Hypersharp Liner
4. Maybelline Hypersharp Power Black Liner
5. Malissa Kiss Super Black Ultra HD Eyeliner
6. Heroine Make Impact Liquid Eyeliner (discontinued in the Philippines)

Darkness Density

Winner: EVERYONE Gah… must be because when an eyeliner doesn’t perform as I expect I really don’t purchase it from the store. Liquid liners must be intensely black. It’s a non-conditional requirement

Brush Efficiency

1. K-Palette Real Lasting Eyeliner 24H micro – The brush is so slim this is perfect for a “barely-there” look or precision makeup.
2. L’Oreal Super Liner Ultra Sharp Liquid Eyeliner
3. Maybelline Hypersharp Liner
4. Maybelline Hypersharp Power Black Liner
-These three basically have the same functioning brush. The tip small enough for the basic eyeliner and can flick for cat-eye. Nothing outstanding but works well.
5. Malissa Kiss Super Black Ultra HD Eyeliner – It’s not a brush, rather a felt pen tip making the application eezy breezy.
6. Heroine Make Impact Liquid Eyeliner (discontinued in the Philippines) – Hard to maneuver. Brush too bendy and you need to have steady hands to apply. Look what happened to mine LOL too thick. Imagine that on my eyes. But with due practice and time I was able to apply this liquid eyeliner with some
WINNER/s: K-Palette & Malissa Kiss


It took approximately 4-5 hand rubs for these to fade. See the results for yourself and YOU be the judge.


On a side note being the lazy girl that I am. After events when I’m too tired to wash my face, I use makeup remover wipes. The makeup remover wipe from
Celeteque has been a personal favorite lately because the cloth is so soft and it removes makeup to make sure I sleep with clean pores.
Each eyeliner brand faded except, HEROINE MAKE. Probably because I put in too thick in the first place? LOL. But seriously speaking, Heroine Make lasts the longest even
on my oily eyelids. Even if the brush is challenging to use, it’s my go-to when I want my liquid eyeliner to stay in place.
This is not a contest so there is no winner. I just wanted to do a liquid eyeliner comparison for future reference and to help you out as well in choosing which to use. All eyeliners featured here are my favorites and I do rotation in using them so go give them a try 🙂


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