My Dry and Frizzy Hair is Now Soft and Silky
From dry and frizzy hair now I have soft, smooth, and silky straight hair. I’m even confident to attend blog events with my hair down (I used to always tie…
Hagod Worthy Hair with Palmolive Naturals Cream Conditioner
I confess. Ever since I started to use #PalmoliveNaturals Cream Conditioner Silky Straight, I cannot stop doing the hagod on my hair. It has become a positive habit; because for some…
Palmolive Naturals White with Papaya Soap Review
Ugh… Why is Likas Papaya Soap out of stock in most Mercury branches I’ve been into? Are they still under production? Would they still sell it in the market? I…
[What’s New?] Palmolive Naturals now in a Body Wash! I Can Feel It!
Yesterday (yes I got too excited to post!), Kikaysikat was lucky enough to partake on a special event held at The Spa Shangrila. It was the launch of Palmolive’s latest…