My Dry and Frizzy Hair is Now Soft and Silky
From dry and frizzy hair now I have soft, smooth, and silky straight hair. I’m even confident to attend blog events with my hair down (I used to always tie my hair up) thanks to Palmolive Naturals Cream Conditioner Silky Straight. If I haven’t convinced you yet, watch my initial blog review AND I even influenced my friends to make the switch too!
Share with me your own hagod experience too! Continue reading and watch the Vlog at the end of the post to find out how to share your own hagod stories.
I use this everyday to keep my hair soft and smelling fresh all day!
All smiles! Nothing can ruin a day when you have a great hair day with friends!
My Hagod Story
Simply tag @heyitsmekaycee and @PalmolivePH in your Instagram posts. I’m so excited to read all your hagod stories!
Vs. Non conditioning shampoo

I tried this Palmolive conditioner when I saw your Facebook post weeks back. So far, so good naman ang hair 🙂
Kaycee Enerva
Gamit ko ngayon yung pink! ^^;
Ann Margaret Cabuenas
The green one is so fragrant and the scent last on my hair even if I commute along EDSA.
I remember this hagod effect. It makes me want to try this conditioner haha. =)
nhessie a.
I like Palmolive too! it makes my hair less frizzy and not so oily! They come in awesome fragrance too!
Maan Laxa
I recently received the shampoo and conditioner but I haven’t tried them yet. I have amazingly dry hair lol and can’t wait to do that hagod moment!
Nilyn EC Matugas
I used Palmolive condition (pink one), got it from Sample room. I can relate to the “hagod” talaga! I’m actually switching brands too! lol.
Janice Lim
I’ve always wondered if that “hagod” effect is really true. Good to know that it is! Conditioner is a must for me because I also have dry, frizzy hair.
Melisa Centino Sanchez
I love the fragnant and the scent of the color green, my mother used this.
I use a different brand of conditioner now but when I was younger, I used palmolive. I stopped though because my hair got too oily. Maybe this one is worth a try.
Maria Teresa Figuerres
Oh yes, nothing beats a great hair day! It’s always a delight to discover a product that works wonders for us.
I haven’t used palmolive na for a while. Ang dami na kasing pagpipilian these days but dati, yan talaga ang binibili ko. Its affordable din kasi.
Mhaan Arambulo-Delos Santos
Tried it and I love the effect on my dull hair. This is definitely a mainstay in our bathroom. Thanks for sharing!
Sana they come up with a yellow variant din, the one for hair fall control. It’s my fave Palmolive variant kasi.
Pink Nomenal (queenofthebangs)
One thing I love about Palmolive is the scent. Will try this one. 🙂
jared's mum
I have switched to all-natural hair products a few years back but I still buy Palmolive items from time to time, I love how they make my dry hair soft and manageable. Will try this one out soon.