
When to Seek Help from An Erectile Dysfunction Clinic San Diego

Commonly referred to as ED, erectile dysfunction is the ability of men to reach and sustain an erection enough for sexual intercourse. It is estimated that 1 of every 10 men suffer erectile dysfunction at a certain point in his lifetime. ED manifestations prompt men to seek help from an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego.


It must be understood that in most cases, often, erectile dysfunction is a symptom manifestation of another underlying medical problem. Erectile dysfunctions are not normal at any age. ED is also associated with other problems that hinder sexual intercourse like lack of sexual desire, orgasm, and ejaculation problems.


Experiencing ED long-term happens to about 10% of adult males. Men experiencing erectile dysfunction fail to achieve an erection for various reasons including excessive alcohol intake, stress, extreme exhaustion, and even relationship problems.


To discuss further, erection failures of less than 20% of the time are rather usual and do not warrant immediate treatments. The failure to achieve an erection 50% of the time could mean an underlying problem and that treatment from an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego is often needed.


It was commonly believed that ED is part of growing old, but this is not the case. Some men indeed need more stimulation to reach an erection, older men should normally be able to achieve erection and practice intercourse enjoyably.



Causes of ED That Warrants Visits to an Erectile Dysfunction Clinic San Diego


Erectile dysfunction may be caused by varying factors, including:


  1. Diseases of the circulator system: The blood supply leading to the penis can be blocked or narrowed with a certain vascular disease like atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
  2. Psychological status: Psychological factors may include depression, stress, lack of stimulus from the brain, and even performance anxieties.
  3. Disorders of the neurologic system: nerve impulses to the penis can become impeded due to stroke, diabetes Miletus, and other causes.
  4. Traumatic injuries: An injury could also be contributory to erectile dysfunction symptoms.
  5. Prescription drugs are taken: ED is a common side effect of some prescription drugs. These medications treat diseases or conditions while affecting a male’s hormones and blood circulation thereby resulting in erectile dysfunction or increasing its risk. Common drugs that can potentially cause ED are diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, antihypertensives, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, antiarrhythmics, NSAIDs, hormones, chemotherapy medications, and prostate cancer medications.
  6. Substance abuse: Other substances or drugs can cause ED including recreational and commonly abused drugs such as alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, nicotine, and opiates.
  7. Others: Chronic illnesses may also cause ED. Bladder, prostate, and colon cancer surgeries may be contributing factors also.



Relatedness of Depression and ED During Visits in An Erectile Dysfunction Clinic San Diego


Erectile dysfunction may be accompanied by depression in some men. Commonly, men with erectile dysfunction feel anger, frustration, sadness, self-doubt, and even feelings of being less manly. These feelings lead to a further lack of self-esteem and severely leading to depression.


The depression resulting from erectile dysfunction is treatable. To first address, this concern of ED-related depression in men is for men affected to stay honest to themselves, their partners, and their doctor. Once the depression card is out, easier and less stressful coping will follow. The male patient can now freely visit an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego.



How ED is Diagnosed in an Erectile Dysfunction Clinic San Diego


There are several and different diagnostic tests that doctors use for erectile dysfunction as ED can be caused by a variety of reasons. Only after the identification of the cause of ED can treatments proceed effectively.


Standard operating procedures include the review of the doctor in an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego of the medical records and history of the patient. The erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego doctor will also conduct a thorough physical examination. The doctor will also interview the patient on personal and sexual histories. The patient may feel intruded on as these questions are often very personal. This is crucial however that the questions be answered as honestly as possible. The inquiries asked may be about:

  • When the patient first noticed the symptoms of erectile dysfunction
  • If the patient experiencing any psychological problems or factors such as stress, depression, and anxiety
  • What medications is the patient currently taking (including prescriptive, OTC, herbal, dietary supplements, and illicit drugs)
  • What is the usual frequency, duration, and quality of any erection had
  • Specific circumstances wherein the erectile dysfunction occurred
  • Sexual techniques used
  • Issues in current relationships


An erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego may also request the patient’s sexual partner for an interview. Valuable insights may be uncovered about the probable causes of ED.


The doctor in an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego may order further diagnostic tests after the physical examination and interviews. 


It may include the basics such as:

  • Complete blood count or CBC
  • Lipid profile or blood test measuring levels of fat in the blood
  • Liver function test
  • Kidney function test
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Urinalysis
  • Blood hormone studies


And may also include highly specific tests such as:

  • Bulbocavernosus reflex test
  • Duplex ultrasound (often the best test for evaluating erectile dysfunction)
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence or NPT
  • Vasoactive injection
  • Penile biothesiometry
  • Cavernosometry and cavernosography
  • Arteriography


Before prescribing these tests, the doctor will carefully explain what these tests are for. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor in an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego for any questions.



How Doctors Treat ED at an Erectile Dysfunction Clinic San Diego


Depending on the cause of ED, the patient’s family medical history, and his medical history and current health status, the doctor may start to treat with oral medications.


After this option has failed, referrals to a urologist may be done to co-manage with other non-surgical procedures such as injections and vacuum devices, and surgical treatment procedures. Referrals to a psychologist that specialized in sexual dysfunction may be made as needed.


Erectile dysfunction can be treated in a lot of ways. As mentioned previously first line is oral medications. ED can also be treated with sex therapies, penile injections, vacuum devices, intraurethral medications, and penile implants or surgery.


Individual treatment plans for ED have their advantages and disadvantages so a thorough discussion with the doctor in an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego is best.



Prevention of ED Recommended by an Erectile Dysfunction Clinic San Diego


Several studies suggest a link between erectile dysfunction and lifestyle diseases like obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes Miletus and heart diseases.


The following factors may help prevent erectile dysfunction or improve the condition when already present:

  • Eating a healthy balanced diet
  • Reducing cholesterol in the blood
  • Keeping a healthy body mass index or BMI
  • Exercising regularly
  • Effective stress coping skills


Seeking help early from qualified doctors in an erectile dysfunction clinic San Diego will potentially treat and reverse symptoms.






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