
Advancing Your Nursing Career: 9 Reasons RN to BSN is Worth It

Most nurses choose to work in the nursing field because they are selfless individuals with a passion for helping people. However, they too must make a living for themselves and their families. That’s why advancing to your BSN is worth it. It provides many more benefits than just an increased paycheck, though.

Moving from an rn to bsn online is one of the smartest moves you can make in your nursing career. Many people choose the online option rather than a traditional school, particularly since the pandemic has forced a move into contact-free everything. Online schools offer much more flexibility with their coursework and class times than a typical university, which is why it’s such an excellent choice for those who live busy lives or are currently working. Though it takes a serious commitment and time to get your BSN, the benefits far outweigh the hard work it takes. Here are nine reasons why it’s worth it to advance your career from an RN to a BSN.

  1. Increased availability for jobs

Even before the pandemic, the demand for nurses had been steadily on the rise, particularly for those with a BSN degree. Not only does your BSN mean you get better jobs, but you also will be among the most qualified applicants and have a better chance of getting hired.

  1. Flexible coursework

Using an online university for your BSN means you can take advantage of the flexible course schedules most schools offer. They know you have a busy schedule and will do everything they can to accommodate that.

  1. Career advancement

Obtaining your BSN means you can advance your career much further than if you only have your RN. It also puts you in the position for more leadership opportunities. If your life goals include the ambition to become the best nurse you can be, getting your BSN online is the next best step.

Earning your BSN not only provides opportunities for career advancement but also opens up exciting lifestyle options, such as the ability to work as a travel nurse and explore different parts of the country or world while gaining valuable experience in your field. Additionally, many travel nursing positions offer higher salaries, making it an attractive option for nurses who want to earn a competitive income while pursuing their passion for healthcare. You can find a travel nurse’s average salary here.

  1. Increased salary

Nurses with BSN degrees make more money than nurses with an RN. Employers are more likely to offer competitive salaries if you have higher levels of education under your belt. Having a higher salary means you can provide a comfortable life for yourself and your family.

  1. BSN’s can be completed quickly

Most online schools offer programs and coursework that can be completed in as little as 12-18 months. That means you can advance much faster than if you enrolled at a typical four-year university.

  1. Adds to your skillset

When you enroll for your BSN, you will learn new skills beyond the basic nursing skillset, such as critical thinking, management, leadership, and case management. The courses you take will round out your capabilities, giving you broader knowledge and experience from which to draw upon in your career.

  1. Improve as a nurse

Another great benefit of getting your BSN is improving as a nurse. Having a better and more thorough education means you improve as a nurse-;which means you can ultimately save more lives. When you can do your job better, it makes you feel accomplished and proud.

  1. Healthcare is constantly changing

The healthcare system in America is continuously evolving and shifting. There’s been a move to featuring primary and preventative care in a system where the patient is the priority. As a BSN, you’ll receive cutting-edge training to keep you up-to-date for healthcare in 2021.

  1. Better care for your patients

When you have a BSN, studies have shown that it means your patients receive better care. A 21-year study completed by the Journal of Nursing Administration found that the patients cared for by nurses with BSN’s had shorter stays, fewer complications, and even higher rates of survival than those who had nurses with an RN. Getting a BSN means your patients will have better care, and they’ll thank you for it.

Get Your BSN Online and Advance Your Nursing Career

Going from an RN to a BSN online is one of the wisest moves you can make for your nursing career, especially with ideals and focus constantly shifting in the American healthcare system. The pandemic has created an even greater demand for nurses, and the field is growing faster than ever. When you go for your BSN online, you can complete your degree quickly, improve as a nurse, and make more money. Going from an RN to a BSN is the next logical move to make as you advance in your nursing career.

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