Event: Coffee and Caligraphy with Eye of Horus and Glamour Box!
I’m absolutely positively in-love with Glamour Box events. I recall the very spring Get Up and Glow Glamour Box Event. These ladies know how to set-up an intimate, chic, and fun rendezvous for bloggers and traditional press alike! Last month, they invited me over for an afternoon of coffee and caligraphy. When I first read the word c-a-l-i-g-r-a-p-h-y I felt weak in the knees. Well, handwriting is not my best of skill. I struggled and strived to make my letters readable for my teachers since kindergarten. HOHOHO. Well, my handwriting hasn’t improved since then. I’m not one to give up so I still came anyway. I went with my good friend, and also a beauty blogger Kuhyle! *waves hands*
We were assigned to write our names on a bookmark with the choice of either lettering or caligraphy using pens and Eye of Horus eyeliners. YES! They’re different. What’s the difference between lettering and caligraphy?
Difference Between Caligraphy, Lettering, and Typography
Calligraphy is a type of lettering, and yet, it isn’t. In the simplest of terms from typography and design expert Gerrit Noordzij, calligraphy is writing—a single pass of the pen/tool to write as a form of art; whereas lettering consists of built-up letters—drawing with multiple strokes; and typography is writing with prefabricated, designed letters. This is, in essence, what really defines the three from each other.
Source: http://www.idrawletters.com/blog/the-difference-between-calligraphy-lettering-and-type-and-why-it-matters
I draw better than I write so my style of choice is.. *drumroll* lettering!
The cookies were so delicious. It has salt sprinkles that balances the sweetness.
Well, err… My bookmark still looks like it’s made by a 6 year old hohoho
Review of the Sheba Mystical Palette and an Egyptian #EOTD (eye of the day) tomorrow so I’ll see you tomorrow okie dokes?