Beauty,  Lipsticks Lipliners and Lipglosses,  Wake up and Makeup

Pulling of Magenta Colored Lipstick

Ah magenta. It’s the lesser known shade compared to ms. fuschia and ms. baby pinks. If you want to pop out of a crowd and never look understated this color is for you. It suits a lot of skin tones as long as you have the courage to wear one! Always always always remember that cheap doesn’t mean low quality most of the times. Check out my cheap but amazing local finds and see why. So here I am to recommend a wonderful magenta lipstick that can beat the crap out of Girl About Town and Schiap . How to Pulling of Magenta Colored Lipstick.




Celebrities like Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, and Jessie J have been wearing em recently and it lifts up your spirits. Based on my site stats, I have a lot of student readers. This one’s for you gorgeous gals! *wink wink*


Presenting… Ever Bilena’s Berry Pink Pro Lipstick with Shimmer Lipstick (SRP 125PHP). Though this particular shade is moist and without shimmers at all.

I took this while walking because I forgot to bring my camera and used my phone instead. Tried to get as much natural sunlight as possible! Pulling of Magenta Colored Lipstick!


It’s a very moisturizing lipstick with a smooth and balmy feel. It feels nice applying this, though staying power is so-so. Lasts around 3 hours with drinking.




This lippie is highly recommended! Another pleasant Watson’s surprise! It looks a lot brighter in person but wearable nonetheless.
Tip: Set your lipstick with ice or ice water. Either pat it on or drink from a cool glass. Makes it last a lot longer and bleed less.


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