Review: Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara
What? Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara
Where to buy? Eye of Horus or GlamourBox.Ph
How much? 900PHP
I received the Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara in my special Eye of Horus Glamour Box for the month of February. They sent me 2 boxes of these and at first I wondered why. Then I recalled, I subscribed to them June last year and never got my 2nd box. I guess this was it. The other box was sent for feature. Hooray for 2 boxes!
Packaging – It comes in a simple yet sleek black tube
Wand – It is made out of soft rubber. With small brush-like bristles that grabs each eyelash well
Formulation – It has a liquid texture, but it’s brush is made well enough to just grab the right amount of product to distribute on your eyes.
Lengthening – 3/5
Volumizing – 3/5
*On a side note, I’m loving my skin extra lately, could it be the combination of my skincare and supplement regimen this February?
It does a decent job of lifting my eyelashes and separating them without the use of an eyelash curler. Average performance with lenghtening and volumizing the lashes. This is waterproof but easy to remove so I it’s safe and comfortable to use on a daily basis. I still lean towards japanese mascaras like Heroine Make, Imju, or Majolica Majorca for the volume and length I need but they’re so damn hard to remove by the end of the day. So I currently use this one when I’m not going to any party or events.

Krizzia Louise Cabrera
Hi Miss Kat! I love your blog. You have an amazing skin. Wow.
Yeye Encabo
Hi Kat, where did you purchase? I can't find these yet at their catalog. Have you tried? I'm looking for a cheaper alternative to Revlon's Just Bitten Lip Balm kasi. Thanks 🙂
Yeye Encabo
How much is the retail price? thanks 🙂
Hi Yeye!
I don't know the retail price 🙁 I just shared the PR out of goodwill
^________^ Thanks Krizzia! *kilig*
Yeye Encabo
Thanks Kat, I thought this is already out in the market. Stay pretty 🙂 im new to your blog, been enjoying esp. the reviews so far.
You're welcome Yeye! Sorry I wasn't able to help you with the tupperware chubby sticks. I do however LOVE Revlon's version 🙂
Regular price is P499, but Tupperware usually has sales like 2 for P559 🙂
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Hi Feng!
You won the contest! Congratulations! 🙂 I'll be sending you an e-mail on how you can get your prize this week!
Feng Manlapaz
thank you so much!! excited to receive my prize.. 😉