Anti-Aging Supplements, Beauty, Health and Fitness, Lifestyle, Skin Whitening, Skin Whitening Supplements, Skincare
Kokando Vita White Plus L-Cysteine Whitening Tablets (2024)
Sige na nga! Due to insistent popular demand, I’m here to review Kokando Vita White Plus L-Cysteine Whitening Tablets. I took these tablets for more than 2 months. I’m not taking…
Thiocell Glutathione Lozenge for Whitening
Do you still get excited when a new beauty supplement launches out in the market? I still do! and I don’t get tired of trying them out (your resident guinea…
Tatiomax Glutathione Review Part 1
Read the Part 2 of my Tatiomax Glutathione Review : phttps://www.kikaysikat.com/2014/10/tatiomax-glutathione-review-part-2.html Greetings earthlings! A lot of you who have been following me on instagram(@kikaysikat) are asking what’s that new…
An Honest Review on ProBio-White Whitening Supplement
Update:someone stole my review. I’m watermarking my image and to those who can read this, the original post is on www.kikaysikat.com only. This brand has always intrigued me when I…
41 Best Whitening Supplements Reviews Rants and Ingredients – August 2024
Did you know that it’s not only Glutathione that can assist in making our skin fairer and changing our melanin from dark to light? There are so many supplements available…