Top 3 Delicious Fruit Juice Ideas You Really Should Try
Hello reader, thanks once again for your attention. Today, I’m going to be taking you through how to make five different types of fruit juices, which are, in fact, ranked the top 3 best-tasting fruit juices in the world. Matter of fact, fruit juices are ideal for everyone; whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore, you’ll find great value in these nutrient-loaded drinks. Plus, they pair with almost any food whether it be seafood, whole grains, vegetable salad, snacks, etc. Without further ado, let’s begin with orange juice:
- Orange Juice
Orange juice tastes superb and packs a whole load of vitamin C. This water-soluble vitamin has strong antioxidant properties that make it crucial for the immune system, among other body functions. Having said that, here’s how to make 8 glasses of orange fruit juice.
How To Make Orange Juice
You can choose to buy ready-made orange juice or make some by yourself. Many local grocery stores and meal delivery service providers offer orange juice. Home Chef, for instance, sells orange juice among other ingredients to make a whole lot of drinks and delicacies. Should you be looking for a meal kit service to subscribe to, I suggest you read this professional review first. You may also check out Hello Fresh and Sunbasket to find the most ideal option. Having said that, here’s how to make an orange fruit juice that yields eight glasses.
What You Will Need
- A blender.
- A medium juice jar preferably with a lid.
- A medium bowl.
- A refrigerator(optional).
- A knife.
- 32 ripe oranges.
- 8 glasses of water.
- 2-4 tbsp. table sugar.
Step 1: Wash and peel the oranges, putting them in the bowl.
Step 2:Deseed the oranges. You can read this guide if you don’t know how to remove seeds from an orange.
Step 3: Transfer the deseeded oranges to the blender.
Step 4: Pour eight glasses of water into the blender.
Step 5: Stir in the sugar.
Step 6: Turn on the blender and blend the oranges until juice is completely created.
Step 7: Turn off the blender and transfer the juice to the juice jar.
Step 8: Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator to cool first before serving.
- Mango Juice
Mango juice is impressively tasty with a sweet, stringy, taste that is characterized by a little bit of sourness. The juice is a rich source of beta carotene, a compound that is converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A has significant medical importance with some of its crucial roles in the body including promoting vision, cell growth, and the health of the heart, kidneys, and lungs.
How To Make Mango Juice
Making mango juice, just like other fruit juices requires a well-thought and meticulous combination of certain ingredients plus knowledge on how to operate a blender. Here’s how to make eight glasses of mango juice;
What You Will Need
- A blender.
- A medium juice jar preferably with a lid.
- A knife.
- A medium bowl.
- A refrigerator(optional).
- 4 ripe mangoes.
- 8 glasses of water.
- 2-4 tbsp.table sugar.
Step 1: Wash and peel the mangoes, putting them in the bowl.
Step 2. Cut the mangoes, removing the pits.
Step 3. Transfer the mangoes to the blender.
Step 4. Add 8 glasses of water to the blender.
Step 5: Stir in 2-4 tbsp. Table sugar.
Step 5. Blend until juice is completely formed. You can add water until you get the desired thickness if the juice is too thick.
Step 6: Transfer the juice to the jar and serve immediately or store it in the refrigerator to cool first before serving.
Grape Juice
Grape juice is not only pleasant to taste buds, but it’s also high in vitamin C and other antioxidants. As such it plays similar roles in the body as orange juice or any other equivalent fruit juice.
How To Make Grape Juice
To make some good grape juice, you need to know how to add the right amount of water to the fruits. Or else, you risk watering down the whole thing thereby ending up with a juice too watery to be enjoyable. Here’s how to make 8 glasses of grape juice;
What You Will Need
- A blender.
- A medium juice jar preferably with a lid.
- A refrigerator(optional).
- Ripe grapefruits enough to make 8 glasses of grapefruit juice(probably 5-6 bunches of grapefruits).
- 4 glasses of water.
- 2-4 tbsp.table sugar.
Step 1: Wash the grapefruits, putting them in the blender.
Step 2. Add 4 glasses of water to the blender.
Step 3: Stir in 2-4 tbsp. table sugar.
Step 4. Blend until juice is completely formed. Note: You can add more water until you get the desired thickness should the juice come out too thick.
Step 5: Transfer the juice to the jar and serve immediately or store it in the refrigerator to cool first before serving.
Final Thoughts
Fruits are excellent supplements for the nutrients that other foods lack or don’t provide adequate quantities of such as vitamins and minerals. If you don’t eat fruits regularly, at least drink fruit juice frequently. It’s the only way in which your body will get the vitamins and minerals it hardly gets from the foods you eat. If you can’t drink 2 glasses of juice a day, you should at least take a glass of juice after dinner.
Improving your health with frequent consumption of fruit juice starts with knowing how to make many different types of fruit juices available. With that said, I hope that this article helped you learn how to make three of the most popular fruit juices in the world i.e orange juice, mango juice, and grape juice. If you have any queries regarding the recipes above or anything to add, be sure to engage with us in the comment section below.