
Top 4 Suggestions to Expect From Your Drinking and Driving Lawyer

Top 4 Suggestions to Expect From Your Drinking and Driving Lawyer

You didn’t start out with the intention to have a little too much to drink and get behind the wheel. Since you did, there will be quite a few legal issues that must be settled. You could try to manage them on your own, but a better approach is to hire one of the Toronto drinking and driving lawyers to represent you. As part of that representation, expect your legal counsel to provide some advice. Here are some examples of what the lawyer is likely to suggest.

Hold Back Nothing

Is there something about the incident that would be personally embarrassing? Maybe there’s some detail that would implicate another person and you would prefer to leave that individual out of the situation. Whatever the reason, it’s not good enough to withhold information from your legal counsel.

No matter how you feel about some detail, share it with your lawyer. If it’s not relevant to the case, rest assured the information will remain between you and your legal counsel. Even if it is relevant, you will know in advance how it will be used as part of the defence. Don’t make any assumptions about the worth of any information. Your lawyer is in a better position to determine if it does matter.

Watch Where You Go and What You Do

Until your court date, being mindful of where you are seen and what you are doing there is important. Many Toronto drinking and driving lawyers encourage clients to continue going to work, spending time with family, and engaging in hobbies. What you may need to do is not visit venues where you would be tempted to start drinking and possibly overdo it again. Going about your business in a way that minimizes the potential for making another misstep will mean less complications when your turn before the judge does occur.

Comply With the Court

There may be some stipulations associated with your release pending the court date. For example, you may be required to notify the court if you have to travel outside the city or province for business or personal purposes. Most Toronto drinking and driving lawyers go over the terms for release with their clients. Ask any questions that you have about those terms and make sure you follow them to the letter. The goal is to demonstrate to the court that you are willing and able to abide by those stipulations.

Prepare for the Worst and Hope for the Best

Your lawyer cannot guarantee the outcome of your case. What the legal counsel can do is prepare a viable defence and make sure your rights are protected at all times. Along the way, the lawyer will discuss possible actions the court can take and how they would impact your life. Be prepared for the most stringent of legally allowed punishments to come to pass. At the same time, it’s fine to hope that the judge decides to be as lenient as the current laws allow.

Remember that the drinking and driving lawyer is there to provide whatever support is legally possible. Listen to the advice and follow it closely. Doing so improves the odds for a better result when your case comes to court.

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