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Using and Choosing a Blender

If you do not currently own a blender, you are missing out. There are many benefits blenders offer. Those benefits include saving you time and improving your general health. Here are more details about those benefits, how to blend foods, and how to find a blender.


A Blender is Not a Juicer

The first thing you need to know about a blender is it is its own appliance. It cannot substitute for a proper juicer. Nor can a juicer fill in for a blender. The blender combines all ingredients added to it. The juicer typically extracts only juice from one ingredient at a time. Therefore, their potential benefits are entirely different.


Blending Foods is a Great Way to Meet Nutritional Needs

Much like drinking the recommended amount of water each day, getting all the servings of certain foods your body needs can be difficult. When you spend time finding the best blender, you can reap rewards like consuming those foods more easily. For example, blending some raw, green, leafy vegetables in your blender creates a healthy mixture you can quickly drink. Then you do not have to worry as much about cooking times and chopping by hand.


Curb Your Unhealthy Snacking with a Blender

Another benefit of a blender is it can help you curb unhealthy snacking habits. By drinking blended fruits and vegetables you consume calories from healthy sources. Since a blender mixes all parts of every fruit or vegetable placed in it, you also consume all the fiber that would be separated using certain other preparation methods, such as juicing. Fiber makes you feel full, cutting down on urges for those snacks you want to avoid.


Blenders Break Down Foods for You

The process of blending breaks down food into a form that is easy to digest. Whole foods consumed in bite-sized pieces take longer to be processed and used inside your body. Streamlined internal nutrient extraction and proper use of fats or oils are major benefits of the blending process.


Blending Lets You Hide Ingredients

If you have certain fruits or vegetables you think you should eat more of but do not really like, blending those foods with others is a good option. For example, you may not like eating apple sauce, but a mixture of apples and peaches might suit your tastes fine. Similarly, you can use your blender to conceal certain ingredients from your children, if they are picky eaters.


Blending Encourages Creativity and Meal Diversity

When you have a blender at your disposal, you can let your cooking creativity flow. It encourages experimentation because you can combine so many different foods in it. In turn, that creativity can help you keep a diverse diet. That is important because, when eating the same things all the time, your body may get too much of one nutrient and not enough of another.


In fact, the best blenders are not fruit and vegetable-only. They allow you to make everything from ground meat to various types of dough. You can mix in all sorts of ingredients to either follow your favorite recipes or create new ones. 


The Type of Blender You Need

You have several choices to make when selecting a blender. First, you need to pick the size you want. If you intend to blend a lot of foods, a large jug blender is best. You also have to decide what power level and construction you desire. Most blenders can easily spin fruits and vegetables into smoothies, but not all of them can handle more heavy duty ingredients. Budget is also a factor, but the right deal can let you obtain exactly the blender you need.

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