Health and Fitness

3 Tips for Stepping Into the OB/GYN Field

Many medical professions don’t really roll off the tongue. There are always a lot of “-ist”, letters in a weird order or sometimes completely different professions look quite similar in name. Take obstetrician-gynecologist for example. Whether it’s the hyphen or roughly 800 syllables in the title, it’s not something you could easily say five times fast.


That’s why, thank goodness, it has been shorted to OB/GYN. These medical professionals specialize in the care, diagnosis, and treatment of women’s health issues. More specifically, they’re going to be the go-to person with the reproductive system, fertility, and childbirth. Often, women seek an OB/GYN’s advice when struggling with infertility issues in order to determine which fertility treatment is best for their specific needs.

The medical field is constantly growing and with the nation’s population growing every year as well, OB/GYNs will always be in high demand. It’s safe to say, you’ve chosen the right career path for yourself.


If you’re thinking about becoming an OB/GYN, you’ve got a long road ahead of you but one that’s incredibly rewarding. After all, you will be a front row witness to the miracle of childbirth and guiding so many couples as they start, or add on to, their family. Below are some tips to help you step into the OB/GYN field.

Plan Out Your Education


It goes without saying that a key step into becoming an OB/GYN is attending medical school. Do some research first and see which schools are regarded as the top obstetrics schools. Do you mind going far away from home? Or would you rather stay close to home? While you’re in medical school, you’re going to be taking many of the same courses as your fellow medical students.


In addition to those classes, check to see if your school has specialized classes in obstetrics of gynecology. These classes will give you a firm foundation in starting out your OB/GYN career and will help tremendously in your residency placement. Not only will you have a firm foundation in the area, but you won’t feel behind when you enter your residency.


Just as with your initial medical school application, try and find a hospital that specializes in obstetrics or gynecology. As with any other profession, you’re always trying to build up to your final job. In case you don’t want to work in a hospital, you can open your own clinic with the help of a medical practice loan offered by government or private lenders. 


Check Your State’s Requirements


Despite going through almost 12 years of education, the final step to becoming a full medical professional is to obtain your licensure. This is a very important step because, in the simplest terms, no license equals no job. The requirements and steps to obtain your medical license could vary greatly depending on the state, so it’s necessary to double and triple check your state’s requirements.


The steps your colleague takes could vary greatly from the steps you will have to take. Make sure and do your research or ask other medical professionals for guidance. You don’t want to miss something important when you’re so close!

Start Your Job Search


Let’s cut right to the chase: looking for a job just isn’t enjoyable. It almost seems unfair that after all the tests, the late nights, the applications and everything in between that there isn’t just someone waiting for you at the end of the hall with an envelope that says “Perfect Job for You”.


The good news is, you’ve already narrowed down your medical career and you know what you’re looking for. Gone are the days where you were a “jack of none” medical student who was good in many things, but great in nothing. You have your thing you’re great at and you’re ready to strive forward.


First and foremost, it’s important to start your job search off with specific terms. Obviously, you’ll want to put OB/GYN, obstetrics or gynecology but you can also look for items that are tailor made for you. Where do you want to work? Are you happy in the area you are in now? What kind of working conditions are you looking for?


After filtering through your initial search, do some research on the hospitals you are applying to. This isn’t your junior year of high school where you’re shotgun blasting your “resume” to every place in town, this is a place that you’ve worked so hard to arrive to. You don’t want to work in a toxic environment or a place with a negative reputation.


See if a colleague or former professor knows anything about the hospital or practice you’re applying for. You’ve done all the work to arrive at this point, just put in a little extra to give yourself the best opportunity possible.

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