Fashion and Style,  Lifestyle,  Personal Musings

10 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for your Loved One

Gifts should be given not just on special ocassions! The best gifts are received when you least expect it.  Well, this wish list is meant for me. I mean, how the hell can I recommend or make gift suggestions if I don’t know the person di ba? That’s why for everyone else, I just give them boring gifts like post-its, face towels, or bath soaps. Heck, I don’t even know what gift to give my boyfriend yet! (I know what he loves but can’t decide yet what to give him specifically, wtf, my birthday present for him last time was 8 different things LOL) @_@

But here’s what, the best gift you can give to anyone you LOVE is something that shows YOU KNOW what he/she likes. His/her hobbies, passion, and everything else.

Okay without further ado, here’s my list of best Christmas gift idea. If you know a girl who’s like me, (if you know me) then maybe she’ll like to get these things too! ^_^
The post may sound materialistic at first… but keep reading.. keep on reading till the end. Yes sir!

#9  A PET! (damage: Free if adopted, Spend if you buy from a breeder)


I owned a ragdoll that I loved for 10 years. Her name was Duchess. She died because our neighbor’s dog ate her. Tragic. My mom didn’t even tell me sooner! It was until I came back home to our hometown in lipa. I was calling for her.. “duchess.. duchess!” she was like a puppy who enthusiastically approaches me and makes lambing when she hears my voice but nothing. NOTHING. I cried for 3 hours after knowing she died. I want another kitty. 
Ragdolls are cats that are hypoallergenic and with dog-like traits. (Read more about ragdolls here)

#8 A Game Console


I get bored all the time. Not even with a mobile phone. I have a short attention span and playing video games helps me build my focus. I like RPG games (role playing games), fighting games (ex. mortal combat), and Pokemon. It’s the best gift idea!

#7 BAGS!


It’s stylish, classy, and great for any occassion! IT can carry loads of items and no one has enough of backpacks

#6 A Pair of White Sneakers preferably from Adidas (damage: Php 6,000 – Php 13,000)


I don’t have a pair of white rubber shoes on my shoe closet. I need one just because and I can pair it with everything! Even with dresses!

#5 A Pandora Charm Bracelet (damage: Php 8,000 – 15,000)


Because I’m sentimental and want to collect charms for every something special I think of.

#4 A Shopping Spree with Sodexo Premium Pass


Sure, we can shop with our own cash but it’s feels so nice to splurge on money that somebody else worked hard for (sarcasm only okay). Want it to make it even more hassle-free? Give your loved one a GIFT Certificate from GC Regalo!
A Sodexo Gift Certificate can be used in thousands of merchants so you’re sure they’re happy. Hey, everything n this list can even be bought using a Sodexo GC!

#3 A Weekend Getaway for 2 (damage: Php 5,000 – 100,000 depending on the location)


Hey, even a trip to Puerto Galera (damage: Php 5,000)  and enjoy local delicacies (you know if you know) will please me! Let’s cut-off from social media and have the entire weekend to relax, unwind, destress, and more. Or hey, if I win that Dove contest with a trip for 2 to Maldives… let’s go!

#2 A Family Visit (damage: none)


There’s no place like home. There’s also no place anywhere else to make your girlfriend feel special by introducing her to your family. (If you haven’t yet)

#1 Make Everyday Special (damage: none)


Make her feel loved. Everyday. Not just on Christmas. Not just on your monthsary, anniversary or her birthday.  Lunatics like myself are always anxious. Trust me. We don’t get tired of re-affirmations and confirmations. But for everything else, gift certificates are the best! You can’t go wrong with gift hampers either!
Somewhere, I hope someone out there might find this useful!

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