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Best Glutathione Supplement According to Your Skin Type and Needs (2024)


Greetings ladies and gentlemen! One of the frequently asked question on my blog is this: Hi Ms. Kaycee! I have <insert skintype here> and my goal is to have <insert goal here>. What’s the best glutathione supplement po that you can recommend?. Whew. I receive HUNDREDS of these questions over and over on my FB page, IG, and even on my personal account. I guess it took a while before I realized hey, you need to be heard! You need to be answered!

Disclaimer: So here it goes! If you have further questions please leave a DISQUS comment below to make our post more interactive and helpful. Please LIKE AND SHARE if you find this post helpful thank you! Please take this with a grain of salt. This is all based on my personal experience and research. Better consult a dermatologist first!

Before we start with recommendations, let’s start and determine your skin type.



Best Glutathione Supplement According to Your Skin Type and Needs

To make this article even easier to read and access. I enumerated the different skin types and requirements I could think of. With numerous glutathione supplements in the Philippines it’s so hard to recommend a specific brand. Instead of a specific brand, it will be more helpful for you guys that I indicate which ingredient to look for and which ingredient to avoid. Enjoy!

Skin Type/ Requirement:  Dry Skin

Look For: Hyaluronic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Hydroxytyrosol

Avoid: N/A

Why? Your skin needs extra moisture inside and out. Besides the basic glutathione, you can benefit from moisturizing ingredients like the ones listed above. They are seen in topical skincare but did you know there are supplements that include them as well?

Skin Type/ Requirement:  Oily Skin

Look For: Vitamin C

Avoid: Hydroxytyrosol

Why? Vitamin C works great in balancing oil internally. Hydroxytyrosol is a derivative from olive oil that can over stimulate our oil production.

Skin Type/ Requirement:  Sensitive/Acne Prone Skin

Look For: Lactobacillus/Lactobacilli, Vitamin B complex

Avoid: Alpha Lipoic Acid

Why?  I say this over and over and over again. If you have sensitive skin avoid ALA at all costs. I heard a lot of horror stories from my friends and personal experience. It’s a double edged sword. Some people benefit from it, some don’t. It’s a high irritant. Lactobacillus is becoming popular as an anti-acne supplement and some glutathione brands are infusing them with it. (Also see: Yakult for Acne). According to research, one cause of acne is vitamin B deficiency.

Skin Type/ Requirement:  Aging Skin

Look For:  Placenta, Hyaluronic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid (optional), Collagen

Avoid: Alpha Lipoic Acid IF you are also acne prone

Why? The ingredients mentioned above are excellent in stimulating our collagen production. Collagen is the building block of our skin’s elasticity and as time goes by the production becomes slower. Look for these in  your supplement to aid in preventing early signs of skin aging. I notice most Japanese skincare supplements have these ingredients.



Best Glutathione in the Philippines

Best Beauty and Whitening Supplements

Glutathione FAQ

Vitamin C for Skin Whitening

Please LIKE AND SHARE if you find this post helpful thank you!

Reference: and personal experience


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