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DEAR KIKAYSIKAT: What Are Tone-Up Creams? aka Finishing Cream aka Boosting Cream

Hi Ms. Kikaysikat! What are Tone-Up creams?

Well if you’re fond of asian beauty products, you probably see this phrase in a lot of current skincare creams nowadays. The words  finishing cream and boosting cream are also used in similar products.

What Are Tone-Up Creams? aka Finishing Cream aka Boosting Cream

The phrase “tone-up” describes exactly what the product does: clarify your skin tone. Tone-up products are specifically made to balance and brighten skin tone as well as fight hyperpigmentation and discoloration.

Most of the time, tone-up products are found in whitening and brightening lines, as the effects are similar on the skin.  Sunscreens, primers, and other makeup bases will have slight tints to even out skin tone. Whether they’re eye creams, serums, lotions, or sunscreens, tone-up products all have the same general effect: evening out and brightening skin tone. This does not necessarily mean they will make your skin miraculously shades whiter. That’s a common misconcepcion that’s why I’m starting to dislike the term “whitening” now (See: Ayoko na Magpaputi)

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I hope this answers your question! I did a bit of research, as well as trying them out to give my personal honest to good feedback on each. So do visit the blog regularly to see updates. Use the handy dandy search function too if you’re looking for a review!