I Tried Wearing Reusable Cloth Sanitary Pads now I’m a Convert! (Review + FAQ)

Excuse-moi for my make-up free face! Haha! I’m so excited to share with you something sustainable. Something that can save the planet and your wallet at the same time! *drumroll* they’re reusable cloth pads (panty liners or napkins or sanitary pads) whatever you prefer to call em. Basically, they’re made out of cloth (duh) and you use it to replace regular napkins that’s made out of plastics, gels, and papers.
- How much? 100php/pad for a liner size, 150php for a napkin size
- Where to buy? @paralumanph on instagram (they also sell other sustainable goods like metal straws etc)
Before discovering these, I used to change my pads 3-4x a day depending on my flow. Saw these from one of my facebook friend’s timeline (I forgot who sorry memory gap).
My Experience Using Reusable Cloth Pads
At first I thought it would be complicated to use. But it’s so easy to use! You just position your pad on the center of your underwear, then snap the button securely. Done!
Take note you still have to change pads depending on your flow. That’s why the good folks of @paralumanph also thought of selling pad pouches. How ingenius.

It felt more comfortable than your regular panty liner. Since it’s made out of soft fabric, my skin down there was able to breathe more! Haha! I thought to myself, hey why not just try using it for a day and see. Oh boy, I’m now a convert! Not only do we save the planet since we’re not purchasing plastic pads anymore, we’re saving a whole lot of cash.

- 1 panty liner = 8php
- 1 cloth pad = 100php (that you can wash)
- Panty liner usage for a year (1095 liners if changed 3x/day) = 8,760php
- Cloth pad usage for a year (10 pads if changed 3x/day and you wanted extra) = 1,000php
Total Savings: 7,760php
SAY WHUTTTT?!!! That’s why I think you should think of converting to cloth liners too! Try it if you’re up for it. If you have more questions, I did the google-ing for you and scoured for a good FAQ. Read on below.
