OOTD: Being a Bi-Polar Blogger
I was supposed to write reviews today but I’m not in the mood. Maybe later, tonight, tomorrow? I don’t know. There are days when I’m manic and can write 8 post at a maximum. Drain down the depression road and I went on hiatus for months. Today I’ll be sharing with you more of my personal musings, drama, and benefits of blogging bipolar. Harley Quinn right here is not Bipolar. She’s a psychopath and schizophrenic. Close enough. OOTD photos for your amusement at the bottom of the post.
Further Reading: What is Bipolar Disorder?
Compared to an average person. A normal person. When a bipolar becomes manic, we get so hyper and have so much energy in our bodies we need an outlet or else we’ll go completely crazy. Instead of wating mine on useless things I spend it on creativity. Sometimes I can’t sleep and just write for hours on end. Blog subjects would pop from my head; ideas. We get obsessed. And when we do, we read and research everything we can squeeze out of a subject.
When you’re a blogger you get the opportunity of being invited to events. Different kinds. It lets you travel to places and try new things. Learn. Discover. This hobby is perfect when you have ADHD and got too much time in your head. I enjoy these things as it keeps me distracted from doing dangerous things. A negative effect, one of the few is impulsiveness. Compared to other people who have outrageous amount of self-control, we lack of it so when we’re idle and impulsive, we tend to do stupid things that we regret later on.
The absolute thing I’m afraid of is going down the road of depression. The opposite side of the spectrum. Contrary to popular belief that being bipolar makes us shift from happy to sad is totally bull. We just don’t go happy -> sad. There’s so much more complexity to that. When we’re down, we go to full-blown depression. We lie around, not wanting to do anything. Get so anxious that 70% of those with bipolar disorders attempt to kill themselves.
I’m 100% sure that me, not writing as often as I want is just procrastination and not out of depression and that’s a good thing.See you around?
Crop Top: Shop Carisse
Frilly Shorts: Shop Carisse
Black Sneakers: Primadonna
A closer look, plus my Arian tattoo on my ring finger.
No one but me,myself and I
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