Review: Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer in SX7
What? Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer in SX7 How much does it cost? 2,500PHP/ 48USD Where to buy? mupstore.com This was a part impulse part planned purchase. I’ve been…
Review: Celesty Shinagawa Perfect Concealer
What? Shinagawa Derma Celesty Perfect Nude Concealer How much does it cost? 1,500php Where can I buy this? At Shinagawa Aesthetics Center in Makati or Celesty.ph Ayan finally! *crunches knuckles…
Review: The Balm Time Balm Concealer
Apologies to the nasty nails After featuring Bobbi Brown’s shimmer brick, I’m so happy to present to all of you, another unsung hero of mine. The most awesome concealer ever.…
Base - Powders Foundations BB CC and Concealers, Beauty, Beauty Tips Tutorials and DIY, Wake up and Makeup
Tips and Tricks: Out of Concealer?
This will be quick and simple. I know you girls wont run out of concealer! But this is really great if youre in a hurry and need a quick fix!…