5 Must Have Tips on How to Survive Your Monthly Period
Period is normal, and so is period anxiety. According to Susan Kim, co-author of Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation, says lots of menstruating women are “scared of anyone noticing…
Why Period Won’t Cripple My Career. Period.
Who among you take a leave of absence during their monthly period? Raise your hands! I’d like to raise mine but as much as I would like to, we couldn’t.…
Can I Workout During My Period?
Can I workout during my period? This is a question most ladies, not just myself, ask every single month. Heck. I always search for answers on the internet to find…
What’s Your Sanitary Napkin Brand?
It’s so obvious that today is a day where I have the day where all women have days during their time of the month! *laughs out loud* that’s why I…