15 Beautiful Font Pairing Combination for your next Creation
This is for all the bloggers and content creators out there!
All credits goes to https://www.facebook.com/SuperGraphicCreatives/ for coming up with these beautiful font pairing combinations that we could use for our cover photos, blog banners, graphics, and more!
I decided to post it here on the blog to serve not only as my reference but also yours 🙂 Enjoy!
#2 Fredericka the Great + Sue Ellen Francisco
#3 Kaushan Script + Playfair Display
#4 Wendyone + thasadith
#5 Pacifico + Noto Serif
#6 Notable + Courgette
#7 Sanchez + Monsterrat
#8 Anton + Roboto
#9 Jockeyone + Puritan
#10 Courgette + Arapey
#11 Abril Fatface + Avenir Light
#12 Shrikhand + Nixie One
#13 Muli + Muli Light Italic
#14 Luckiest Guy + Shadows Into Light
#15 Cookie + Krub Italic
You’re weclome! Feel free to share this page if you find this useful 🙂