Be Careful Who You Bully – #MakeConfidenceHappen
I was an awkard kid, I still am. I am an awkward adult.I was labelled with the following from grade-school up until highschool:
- “UGLY”
- “UNDIN” (the swamp monster from Shake Rattle and Roll Movie)
I can count my friends with one hand, five fingers. 3 of those friends were my cousins. I always wondered why. They couldn’t relate to me I guess. Never hung out with girls because they wanted to talk about girl things. Boys never hung out with me because they wanted comic books, computers and video games an exclusive “guy thing” even if it were also my interests. I cried almost everyday and even attempted suicide a few times.
So here I am today. I still have a big mouth LOL (fixing my teeth via braces tho). To be honest I don’t think I look any different. The difference? I learned to accept who I am. This is me. Take it or leave it. When I started to love myself more, people did too. Beauty blogging meant so much more than writing about cosmetics and skincare. It’s also my venue of sharing how I can inspire other people to become beautiful from the inside.
If you are one of the kids who bullied me, take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Love yourself more and confidence will follow. Watch Liza Soberano, a gorgeous girl inside and out shares her story on self-confidence #MakeConfidenceHappen with Maybelline
I’m crazy, weird, and I LOVE IT. Embrace who you are!