My K-Palette Makeup Haul | These are the BEST EYELINERS ever!
When you love someone, or something. Sometimes it’s harder to define, compared to something you absolutely hate. Is that right? Just like how I’m struggling to find the words to…
Review: Heroine Make Mascara Long and Curl Super Waterproof
It aches my heart to know that while writing this, my Heroine Make Long and Curl Super Waterproof Mascara (650php) is now missing. Alas I’ll still review one of the longest lasting…
Oily Skin Problem? Try KATE TOKYO’s The Base Zero Powdery Skin Maker | A Review
Hello everyone! I’ve been writing a lot of non-makeup posts as of date because Geof and I were swamped with mommy-events this May! Not only that, I was recently infected…
REVIEW: Shiseido Medicated Baby Powder (Pressed)
BBs! How are you? I haven’t been feeling my best lately so in-depth reviews and features are scarce lately. Sorry if the blog has been bombarding you with press releases…
Kate Tokyo Latest Makeup Collection for 2017 featuring The Base Zero
Good evening! Good morning! Good afternoon! Or whatever time you’re currently reading this. I’m so excited to share this story with you because Kate Tokyo has been one of my…
Kanebo Philippines Products and Pricelist 2016
Are you familiar with the Kanebo brand? It’s pretty famous in Japan and yes it’s available here in the Philippines. I’m a huge fan of their sunscreens and concealer, I’m…
Naturactor Magic Lipsticks (Review, Photos, Swatch)
Naturactor Magic Lipsticks By the way this isn’t Kaycee, My name is Kail. I’m a Beauty Blogger/Makeup Artist and was lucky enough to be a guest blogger here at KIKAYSIKAT.COM…
Beauty Blossoms in Manila with Pixy and My Pixy Makeup Review Week #GetPixyFied
Hello! How’s everyone doing? The past few days, if you’ve been following me on twitter or instagram I’ve been pretty gloomy and down lately, the reason? Most probably PMS. Too…
Koh Gen Do Cosmetics: Now in the Phillipines! Hooray!!!!
Beautiful skin is yours. The cult japanese cosmetics brand most famous for providing full coverage, high definition and looks fresh the whole day, but there’s more; its good for your…