Food and Restaurant Reviews,  Lifestyle

Diet Diva Delivery – Detox Diva Review

Now you know why I’m KAT

They say love is sweeter the second time around *tonk* cliche. But is it also applicable when it comes to food experiences? Diet Diva. It was the first diet delivery I subscribed to and paid for a few years back and my first try disappointed me. The amount of food was subpar, bland and tasteless, and the snacks served were skyflakes or quaker oats with 1 sachet of lipton black tea that I can easily grab from our office pantry. I believe in second chances. That is why Diet Diva deserves another one.

The second trial was also perfect timing because it’s the launch of their latest service, The Detox Diva. So what’s the difference? Detox Diva prepares you healthy Pescetarian Meals.


Pescetarian. To keep things simple, Detox Diva’s diet meals consists of FISH and SEAFOOD and no other meat like chicken, pork, or beef. So far Diet Diva is the only service so far that serves this kind of meals. One of my cousins is a pescetarian and she’s as lean as hell. Too bad I’m a meat lover and can’t give up my chicken pork and beef especially chicharong bulaklak! Harharhar. Anyway, going back to our short discussion on the #detoxdiva pescetarian diet.

Benefits of Detox Diva Diet – Pescetarian

Well according to an article on Fit Day, there are 4 reasons why you should go pescetarian.

1. Avoid Saturated Fats

 Avoiding meat for the sake of cardiac health can be a powerful motivation for turning vegetarian. Becoming a pescatarian allows you to retain the nutrients, flavors and textures of seafood in your diet while cutting down on the health risks caused by land animal fats.

2. Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Species of fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring are rich in omega-3 fats, a form of fat that lowers triglycerides. Triglycerides are a form of cholesterol produced by the body and found in high-fat foods.

3. Increase Intake of Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Whole fish contains B complex vitamins, including B6, B12, riboflavin and niacin, while fish liver oils are a good source of vitamins A and D. Fish are rich in essential minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorous and selenium.
4. Enjoy a Versatile Source of Lean Protein
Fish is high in protein but low in fat and calories, making it an attractive option for dieters and for people who want to build lean muscle mass without increasing body fat.


Ooh fish!


Oooh more fish!


Daily Greens!


Ay looking back at all those photos made me hungry again. I haven’t eaten dinner while I’m writing this on my desk. I suddenly missed their salmon pasta *yum*  They gave some free yoga (gosh sorry I forgot where) and a sample tea from tiny tea’s tea-tox.
Wow. Protein kung protein. They include large portions of meat with their meals, I’m estimating it’s more than 15 grams per serving. That’s quite high and perfect for those trying to lean out. They also use a variety of fish from salmon, tuna, to sardines. I then realize there’s a wider variety in taste and texture with fish than it is with other forms of meat.
They serve it with rice or with malunggay pasta and sometimes when they’re feeling extra special they throw in a tasty pesto cookie pa as dessert! Who can say no to that? I munch on it too fast to take photos sorry ^_^;
On days they alternate a rice meal with greens. Total calories for the day is 1500 instead of the regular 1200 and it’s 2 full meals instead of 3 (and snacks in between). It’s to give you flexibility on what to eat for breakfast. Pero syempre gawin na din nating healthy diba.
Again, this is one of the more affordable delivery services in the Metro so if tamad kayo magprepare ng food, tired of eating out, want to lose weight and be healthy. This is for you.


1800 for 5 days (Regular)
1900 for 5 days (Detox) – Limited time only.


Delicious 1200-Calorie Diet Delivery Food Service. Text them at 0917-703-DIVA (3482), call them at 434-DIVA (3482) or visit for inquiries!
Anywhere within Metro Manila

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