6 Ways to Find the Right Balance Between Fitness and Work
Exercises to Help You Tone Your Butt
REVIEW: Oxifit Garcinia Cambogia (Benefits, Side Effects)
My BackJoy SitSmart Posture Core Yoga Chair Experience
15 Minute Workout #1 – I Tried The BEST DAMN CARDIO Humanly Possible
Not everyone has the time of day to spend 30-60 minutes in the gym. Not everyone appreciates lifting heavy weights and resistance training. However, it’s been one of my goal…
REVIEW: Watsons Nutrabliss Green Morning Smoothie
I am not ashamed to admit this but I “hate” eating vegetables. Can I blame my parents for not training me to love the taste? We eat food for sustenance,…
REVIEW: Get Rid of Bloat FAST with EasySLIM Detox Plum
Most of you would probably assume that “Hey, she’s got a flat tummy because she works out”. I’d answer you with a YES and a NO. Yes because I do exercise regularly…
Body Recomposition | Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle
Trust me. There’s thousands and thousands of different diet methods everywhere. Each and every one of those work if you’re consistent. So today, I’ll be sharing with you what worked for…
Fitness: The TRUTH About Fad Diets and Weight Loss
I’ve tried numerous fad diets since 2012. My fitness journey was triggered by a huge emotional, intellectual, and physical turmoil caused by low self-esteem. I always had this state-of-mind that…
How to Achieve Your Dream Body for FREE
In the recent past, the cases of weight-related complications have been on the rise. The busy schedules are to blame for they have taken away the time meant for individuals…