Gaining Advantage Against Cancer
A precise approach to personalized cancer management for each patient’s cancer genes bodies well in gaining an advantage in the fight against cancers.
The Research Genetic Cancer Center (RGCC), a world-class laboratory that specializes in medical and cancer genetics, focuses on early detection, personalized chemosensitivity testing, and accurate monitoring. They believe that “there’s no one size fits all cancer treatment,” and the only way for practitioners to come-up with an effective battle plan is to be fully knowledgeable of the cancer, at a genetic level.
RGCC’s first step in cancer therapy is isolating and identifying Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) CTCs are cells that have broken away from a primary cancer site and entered the blood stream. Oncococount is RGCC’s screening test that gives information on the presence and concentration of cicrulating tumor cells (CTCs). These cells could potentially spread disease even to distant organs. Oncotrace shows the presence of CTCs, their concentration, and immunophenotype. Oncotrail is the test tailor-made for specific types of cancers used for follow up control on old cancers. With the information that their tests provide, new cancers are detected and diagnosed; existing cancers are monitored; and information about the risk of recurrence of a current old cancer is provided.
The main goal of RGCC Genetic Cancer tests is to discover, analyze, and screen the carrier cells at every stage of the disease to give the patient an advantage against the fight against cancer.
The RGCC Genetic Cancer tests are made available and accessible by Global Medical Technologies (GMT). GMT has been at the forefront of making some of the most up-to-date and relevant medical technologies and diagnostic from developed countries accessible to FIlipino meical practitioners and patients, and help them outsmart health issues.
It exclusively distributed in the Philippines by Global Medical Technologies, for more information, patients, and health practitioners may visit www.gmtmanila.com