Beauty,  Everything HAIR

Something New. Tangle Teezer Brush Review.


As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Well, that’s what I felt when I lost my Tangle Teezer Brush. I took it for granted. I use it often after my shower before going to work, just a regular run down through my locks to avoid looking like Medusa on the streets as my wavy locks are prone to tangles.
Then there it goes, one morning I was looking for it and it was gone. I didn’t care much at first, I thought, it was just a brush. I used a hair doctor comb at my drawer and it irritated me to bits. The amount of effort I have to do, using this comb to remove the knots and tangles on my hair after shampooing. I suddenly missed my Tangle Teezer.
Tangle Teezer Launch last March
It was launched to a small group of bloggers last March and I was lucky enough to receive 2 kinds of brushes. The regular size and their pocket size. I lost the pocket sized.


It’s also my son’s favorite.

The brush itself is pretty simple. Made out of durable plastic, It has soft bristles with rounded ends, shaped in a way it can detangle pretty much any frizz or knots on your hair. It’s compact enough to carry and it’s simple enough to keep. This one is so gentle to use my son loves it! He avoids brushing his hair before but after experiencing Tangle Teezer he looks forward to brushing time.

Memories, of the smiles you’ve left behind.

The shape is molded to fit your hands comfortably. While the bristles are placed in spaces perfect to make your mane smooth, shiny, and frizz free. It is not a brush meant for heat styling, rather a brush to smoothen out your hair after shower. Spread out conditioner and smooth in serums. You might think it’s another brush but it’s not. You will really see and feel the difference if you compare it to other brushes.

You might recall that I used to love my Kent boar-hair bristled brush but after years of wear and tear the round ends got lost and sharp metal replaced it. It’s also too rough on my scalp.

It looks pretty simple.

Farewell my brush. Until we meet again. (Actually my lolo was the culprit. He loved the brush so much he hid it in his drawers as he was afraid I might get it back. I caught him and I told him I’ll give it to him na lang since I found my pink one in my office)

Where is Tangle Teezer available in the Philippines? It’s not yet officially launched in our market but I will update you really soon once it does!



5/5 Stars!


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