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Tutorial: How I Do My Brows

Okay, since some of my readers requested how I do my brows the quick and easy way. Here are the steps:

Tools  Used:

  • Blending brush
  • Styli Style Brow pencil
  • In2It Brow Powder

Using the key points in the drawing. Draw an outline lightly using a brow pencil, follow the shape of your brows. (do not invent a brow shape, we just want to make it neat and full. For tutorial on how to shape your brows click here).
As you can see I just did an outline so that I have something to follow and fill in. Just like a coloring book! 🙂
Next, we fill the outline with brow powder, I used the lighter shade, very gently, with light strokes, dont exceed or go out of the outline we made. 

Buff the outer edges using our buffer brush, only the edges so we can make it look natural and soft. And there you go! Nice brows!

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