Kilo Off Review – Does it Work?
Alrighty, I’m finally giving my weigh in (pun intended) and full review of Kilo Off. It’s basically a set of weight loss supplements that come in different forms; capsules, powder drink, and juice. What they Digify PH sent me was 1 bottle of Kilo Off Flat Stomach juice to try. They sent it at a perfect time because I couldn’t go to the gym and exercise because I had a car crash accident and my fashion show for Aeropostale on Nuffnang’s Blogopolis 4D was coming up. (BUY KILO OFF AT LAZADA HERE)
Continue reading for the easy to read honest to goodness review from me!
According to their facebook page:
Ingredients: Tamarind, Balm, Acacia, Rhubarb
This supplementary drink with fiber is designed to facilitate digestion and improve stomach discomfort to maintain a flat stomach.
Instructions: Drink 50ml dose for 8 days. Once a day only.
scroll down for the full review of kilo off
Taste – It tastes just like seedless sour plums (aka sampaloc) only in juice form. The one that I buy for my lola. My lola always asks me to buy the plums for her because it helps her poop. LOL. If you’re not familiar with sour plums, maybe good old sampalok fruit is familiar? It’s quite sweet/sour. I find it pleasant-tastiing. (for me)
Effectiveness – Is it a known secret that I am a constipated girl? This might be TMI pero sige na, my usual bowel movement is every 2-3 days. That’s why most days I’m bloated T_T. I rely on fiber drinks or sometimes sangria wine to help me with this. While taking Kilo Off Flat Stomach, I noticed that I have a regular bowel movement. 10 days of regular poop imagine that?! Hehehe.. After 10 days, I indeed have a flatter stomach. So proud of it that I wore a cropped top on the fashion runway LOL
Side Effects – It lessened my appetite to… an estimate of 25%. Not too much that you’d feel you’re turning to an anorexic girl (that’s unhealthy!)
Price – 895/bottle
Will I buy this again? Yes. I’d drink a bottle when there’s a beach trip coming up and I want to have a super sexy waist line LOL.
Final Thoughts – This is something I’d recommend to people who are not into exercising and wants a bit of help in cleansing and having a flat stomach. Since it has no chemical preservatives, the juice bottle is only good for 10 days after opening so I recommend taking this for 10 days straight then rest for 20 days. I always tell people not to rely 100% on weight loss supplements because as they say it is an “aid” on your fitness journey. Healthy eating + Regular exercise is the way to go.
Oh yeeah.. Partida walang exercise (for 1 month) LOL
pahingi po ng height… kung 5’11 ako model na ko sure na!
Follow their facebook page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/KiloOff.Ph/

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